Exactly as represented on the web site.
Thanks for poviding this product. I installed my seat extender upon delivery. The instructions were graphic and clear. After installation the seat was extended 4" as stated. This 4" allows me to almost put my legs complely straight out. Now because this is possible my therapeutic elastic stockings don't cut off the venous circulation in my legs when traveling long distances. I had extensive varicose vein surgery on both legs, and I am trying to prevent any reoccurance of varicose veins. Basicly, the quality of my travelimg life has been improved.
My next project is to raise the seat height 2 to 3" on my 2008 PRIUS. My wife is too short for this car, and needs a higher driving position. I have been desiging a side plate of thin steel to attach to the side of the seat frame, and the slider. The plate would have adjustmment holes for various heights. If you are already going to do something like this, I don't want to duplicate your efforts, and I'll just buy it from you. Is this a feasible method to do this, or am I just hitting my head against the wall in frustration? Do you have any comments in this regard?